A soil bearing test will determine if the type of foundation you are planning for your new home will be suitable for the property's soil conditions. For most new home builds, the City you are building in will require you to have a soil bearing test done as a condition of your building permit. The City will only accept a soil bearing test sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer registered in your province. Read on to learn more about soil tests for new home construction and why they are an important factor in ensuring your home will be structurally sound.
What Does A Soil Bearing Test Entail? You may be wondering what goes into a soil bearing test and how engineers are able to determine if the type of foundation your house will need: Field Testing Soil bearing tests for new home construction is done once the site has been excavated to the depth where your foundation will be built. An engineer or qualified technician will review the soil at that level to assess the soil type and bearing capacity. Several probes holes will also be drilled to ensure the soil below the excavation level is consistent. Foundation Design Ideally, your soil conditions will be suitable for the type of foundation in your construction drawings, and you will be able to continue with your original plan. Unfortunately, sometimes soil has irregular things like organic material or areas where the soil has become loose or even has a high water table. These things can affect how well the soil on your site can support your new house's foundation. Using the soil bearing test results, an engineer can determine and design the foundation you will require. Why Is a Soil Bearing Test a Good Idea? Your foundation is one of the most important parts of your new home. Having a soil bearing test done ensures that it will be designed to suit your property's conditions. Foundations that are not designed to meet the soil conditions can cause on-going movement and cracking throughout the life of the home. Future problems resulting from poor soil conditions or inadequate foundations are very challenging and expensive to fix. So, even you don't need a soil bearing test for your building permit; it is a good idea to have one completed by a qualified engineer registered in your province. The soil bearing test will help make sure you are taking every step to ensure your home will be structurally stable. A properly design foundation could save you money and headaches by preventing future problems. Soil Test Services in Edmonton for Your Construction Project Are you ready to do a "soil bearing testing near me" search to find a suitable engineering firm? You don't have to look far for soil test services in Edmonton. Request a quote for your new construction project from BIE Engineering Corp today.